Wednesday 12 March 2008

Catch Up

Havn't felt much like posting anything for the last couple of weeks due to the fact that I have been trying to get outside to weed the borders and get some allotment work done inbetween theses horrendous storms that are now battering the country.At the moment we have managed to escape lightly with the wind and hopefully it will soon go away and we can resume normal life.

I have been able to get over to the allotment and have got loads of clearing up done of nettels and brambles that looked like they were going to take over all the spare ground.Any greenery that is showing underneath the fruit trees is being left so that Stuart can get in with some Roundup weed killer that should work it's way right through the plant system.We don't spray any of our fruit and vegetables aiming mainly to be as free and clean from any insect damage by good insects like ladybirds that and our feathered friend that like to forage amongst the trees and plants.

Hopefully once all this wind and rain has died down we will be able to start getting the vegetable seeds sown,like Broad Beans and Parsnips that are usually one of the first ones to be sown at this time of the year.

In the greenhouse I have Bedford Filbasket Brussels growing.All the Year Round lettuce,Primo Cabbage and some leeks which the name of escapes me at the moment.I only sowed them on March 3rd so i am well pleased with how they have come on so quickly,though using fresh seed has helped with 100% germination.We shall be eating them until they come out of our ears but at least we will be able to share a lot of veggy's with Punkey and Mabel our Guneia Pigs though I don't think they will like the leeks very much..