Friday 1 February 2008

Computer Problems

Well what a week I have had with this Laptop.A virus tried to come in a couple of weeks ago but thankfully was stopped by my antivirus softwear.The problem though meant that it slowed my computer down so much that I could have hand delivered the emails quicker.

While I was out babysitting last night for one of my village friends,Stuart got onto the computer and managed to put things right by installing a new card to replace the Belkin card that I had been using. He also got rid of two programmes that may have also been slowing everything down.

Babysitting was good last night as the eleven year old son had one of those Wii games for Christmas so between me Jack and Alicia the four year old we had lots of fun playing skittles,tennis and basketball.Talk about laughing so much,really good way to release tension and to wear ones self out.

My new fish tank is coming on well,despite Willow trying to catch the fish as they whizz round and round the tank.Our first fish was a female Spotted Molly,closely followed by three more Spotted Mollies,Four Neon Tetras,One orange Guppy and a white fish that somehow found it's way into the net at the shop and into the plastic bag,we brought them home in.We also got three plants and a small lump of wood that they can pick around in.

This past week they have had fun and games playing follow the leader round and round the tank,first one way and then the other.Poor Willow has been mezmorised with them,though Poppy isn't bothered with them in the least.I went to visit two of my friends this afternoon who have a tank of fish and ended up coming home with a pair of orange ones that I have named Romeo and Juliet.I don't think it will be long before we see new little fry swimming about,that's iff they don't get eaten first that is.

It has been bitterly cold this week and have had an awful cold wind that cuts right through you,brrr.Up in the Northern part of the country they have had blizzards but apart from a small flurry this teatime there hasn't been much about at all down here.I personally love the snow as I think it brightens up the countryside,but I never like it when it starts to melt and goes all slushy.

I managed to get down to the Greenhouse this morning to prick out some Iris seedlings that I had sown the other week and they are now in individual pots where they hopefully will grow on.I have also sown some double Hollyhocks namely Chaters Double Mixed,which are one of my favourites.I do so like the colours of them but don't like it when they get the dreaded rust on the leaves.I always pick off the worst leaves,but find that eventually the plants start to go downhill a bit.

The first snowdrops are out in flower in the garden and also Helleborus Niger,the Christmas Rose.It is a lovely pure white colour and is a pleasure to see on a freezing cold morning.


CanadianGardenJoy said...

WendyAnne .. all this talk about fish tanks and fish makes me think I might let hubby start that some time again .. the problem is WHERE ?? .. but they are so relaxing to watch .. princess Sophie would have a ball with them .. haha
Charters Double hollyhock .. they will be beautiful .. I miss Hollyhocks .. but I had a terrible problem with powdery mildew and rust .. so they, and a few other susceptible plants, were booted out .. my garden is to small and crowded to carry sickies ? LOL
Look forward to seeing some pictures of those fish ! : )

WendyAnne said...

Hi Joy Thankyou for your kind words.Sorry I should have said Chaters Mixed Double Hollyhoch.I will reread what I have written in case I have spelt it wrong...silly me proabably a blonde moment.I do so love them,but only have the rust problem to put up with..

I have also been reading your Garden Joy3 blog as well,but like everything else it is a question of finding the time to sit and read them all.

Watch my space and I will get some photos put up ASAP.

I have also put your Canadian time in my favourites as this time difference between the two countries takes some getting used to.

Wendy xx