Thursday 24 January 2008

Thursday's Ramblings...

Well,I haven't posted for a couple of days,well properly that is as I havn't been feeling 100%.I am still trying to watch the sugar I am consuming and have finally finished the last of the Christmas chokkie{A Very large,and I mean very large Toblerone bought for me by my darling hubby} so hopefully now I can begin to get somwhere in cutting out sugar from my life.It is shocking just how much sugar there is in products we buy as well as the fat and salt that I have previously mentioned...tut tut.No wonder there are so many health problems in the world.

What I do now,when I have my breakfast is to put either some chopped up grapes on top or either strawberries or raspberries instead of the fake sugar I have been using....

For my lunch I had a nice Fish Cake which I cooked in the oven,and served it up with potato's,peas and carrots.I found it quiet filling..

As the weather was pleasant with the sun shining and blue skies I decided to go out again for my daily walk.It was bitterly cold out so I made sure I wrapped up warm.I take my camera with me in case I see some good photographic material...

The builders will soon be finished our shopping area so we are looking forward to being able to pop down there to get anything we need instead of having to trek three miles to the nearest shop.I expect that is something we took for granted where we used to live because all the shops we needed were only 500 yards from where we used to live so we were spoilt in many ways. We could quiet easily walk to them. With luck the food shop should be opening next month fingers crossed...

I have just had to run out to the kitchen because while I was busy typing this my apple that I was stewing on the hob was begining to burn so now I will be having cremated apple for dinner to go with the crackers and cream cheese I have eaten already..If the smoke detector goes off I nearly break my neck tripping over Willow as he normally runs under my feet and tries to trip me up as I rush out to the kitchen...

I had a laugh yesterday morning.I was looking everywhere for Poppy as I hadn't seen her since I got up.Stuart said he hadn't seen her so put on my coat and shoes and went off round to the garage in case she had been locked in there all night.I called out here name and expected her to come running out.No sign of her so I went round to the shed to see if she had spent the night in the company of the Guneia Pigs.Still no sign of her.I turned and walked back to the house with a bit of a heavy heart and thinking the worst that she had been run over and had crawled under a bush to die...

Stuart asked if I had found her and I said No as I took my coat and shoes off and walked back into the warm lounge..Guess what,there was Poppy where she had been all the time,sitting in her basket and looking at me as if to say 'Why didn't you look in here first.I have been here all the time'.. I really must get my glasses lens cleaned...sigh.

Watch this space folks...

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