Saturday 19 January 2008

Saturday Ramblings

Well it is the start of another weekend,though I expect it will go just as fast as it usually does.Didn't sleep well last night and then when I did go to sleep I never woke up until 8ish which is late for me,though not for Stuart.I only woke up because Willow was having a nibble on my arm...Ouch.
By the time we had eaten breakfast it had already been raining yet again for some time.Will it never end.!!!
Went to the shops and did our grocery shopping and amongst other things bought some more Organic eggs as well as the Free Range Chicken I bought last week,I am certainly trying.Tesco's wanted nearly £10 for an Organic one and there were more on the shelves than what there was when I popped in last week.

We were glad to get back home and got the shopping stowed away before having a quick bite to eat.By then the rain had stopped,but it still left everything damp and squidgy,urrgh.

After lunch we drove out to one of the DIY sheds to buy some more tile adhesive and grout so that Stuart could do some tile laying in the new Conservatory he is building.

On the way home I suggested popping along to the fish place along the dual carriageway near where we live to choose the Aquarium I would like to buy,with some of the money I received for Christmas.It is about time I treated myself as I never seem to always thinking of others before myself.I look at it,that I don't smoke{unlike Stuart},hardly drink and very rarely go out for a meal,so have decided to buy something that will give me lots of pleasure for many years to come.
We were in the fish shop for what seems like hours before settling on a Bowl 45 which is basicly one of the round Orb types but is made of glass.

We have spent quiet some time setting it up and have now turned on the heater after letting it stand full of water for an hour in room temperature.Stuart has now added the gravel,though he forgot to wash it first {We both forgot that one} and has added the chemicalswhich should give the water the cinditions and bacteria ready for the fish.We have been told to wait five days before taking a water sample to the fish shopto have it checked to make sure it is all going ok.
The tank is bubbling away at the moment,and I can't wait to see it full of fish.I am thinking of Neon or Cardinal Tetras,and I have been offered already some Guppies,which no doubt will end up breeding all over the place...

I will keep you all posted as to how we get on.Watch this space and Thankyou for visiting my blog....xx


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Wendy .. I have to chuckle here .. reading all that you are doing for the weekend, in that crappy rain. I have a friend near Shropshire and she really lets me know how much she hates the rain too.
I was nodding my head about treating yourself .. my hubby and I are the same way exactly .. John smokes .. not a lot .. but neither of us throw money around, so when it comes to getting something for ourselves we rationalize it the same way ..
We had fish tanks when we lived in other parts of Canada and they are peaceful .. I have a feeling that subject may come up again with John. Now that he is retired and can look after it (instead of me ?LOL) .. and we had the same type of fish .. even ghost shrimp, a crayfish .. so many little creatures to watch .. it is amazing.
And YES ... we went through the same thing of forgetting to wash the gravel .. jeez ! .. once you get the hang of it things will look beautiful .. Willow ? will love watching it too !
Good Luck and enjoy it !
Joy : )

dND said...

Hi Wendy

Thank you for your kind thoughts and comments on my blog.

This blogging gets quite addictive. I find that I really like keeping it as I get a photo journal of what I've done. I do spend far too much time reading blogs though but it's fun and informative reading what other people are doing.

I love your cats too, they look adorable. Mine really rule the roost here too, sometimes they even allow me some space on the sofa to watch the news, if I'm really lucky!

Happy blogging

WendyAnne said...

Hi Joy,Thankyou for your kind words.I haven't been posting much this week,after ny initial postings last week,I haven't been feeling on top of the world and have been struggling to get out of bed each morning.When we have the lighter mornings I am up with the Lark,well Sparrows actually and cram so much into the day,my friends are left dizzy,but when the Autumn and winter approaches I need to go into Hibernation...sigh though for us it is staying later longer which is a bonus..
I am still managing to get out for a walk though each day which is nice..
Yes Willow will enjoy the fish tank.He is already taking swiming lessons.. LOL

WendyAnne said...

Hi Deboroh

It is a pleasure reading yours and Joys blogs and a few others which no doubt will become many at the rate I am going.. LOL

As I said before I admire what you have taken on,something I would never have the confidence to do.It is so nice to see your photos especially of your animals and the outside of your home.
I am even learning little snippets about Alpacas too,though I envy you have a lovely supply of feshly made manure from them.What wouldn't I give to have some of that for my garden and allotment..(smile}
Take Care Wendy xx